Milk Kefir Bread – the Easy Peasy Sourdough

milk kefir bread

Welcome to another post about how much I love carbs, and this time I’m gushing about milk kefir bread! Bread comes in so many different varieties, spanning the spectrum from savory to sweet. So whatever the occasion, there’s a type of bread for you! One of my classic favorites is sourdough, and for me, the tangier it is, the better it is! So, when I heard that the flavor of milk kefir bread was very similar to sourdough, I immediately set out on this new bread journey.

I must confess, I’ve always been too lazy to bake bread. Buying packets of yeast always seemed frivolous to me when I already had all the ingredients to bake a fresh batch of cookies (my kitchen is stocked…just never with yeast). However, when I started fermenting milk kefir, I opened up the bread-making possibility that I never had before. Kefir is a SCOBY, a symbiotic culture of bread and YEAST!! Laziness was not an excuse anymore – with all the ingredients at my disposal, I had no choice but to make bread.

So, what is milk kefir bread?

Simply put, milk kefir bread is a delicious loaf of bread made using milk kefir. It’s the lazy man’s sourdough. It’s also a great way to use the milk kefir that’s fermenting like no other in your fridge. Seriously. When I started making milk kefir, they were multiplying like CRAZY, and I was getting more milk than I could drink alone. Never fear! This bread is the answer to all your over-fermenting worries.

Customize to your heart’s content

What I love about baking bread at home is the ability to make it however you want. For me, that means SUPER CHEESY, GARLICKY BREAD. I’ve experimented with a few different mixins into the dough, and I think the best way to consume this bread is as a cheesy, salty, garlicky, tomatoey, rosemary-ey hunk of delicious goodness. Of course, I’ve taken the sweet route before as well and just bombarded the dough with chocolate chips. Awesome, because chocolate, but the savory version was more popular with friends and family. Anyways, the bread is your oyster, so take it, bake it, and make it your own!

  • Raw dough
  • Dough with mixins
  • bread in the oven
  • baked bread

A quick note

This recipe can actually make two of these dome shaped breads. I cut the dough in half and put different mix-ins for each half. Double the flavor, double the fun!

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